Explore your cosmic identity.

Contact me.

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”

— Dr. Wayne Dyer

  • Discover - claim your life’s road map

  • Understand how actions & behavior patterns influence your relationships

  • Awareness - enrich your relationship with self and others

  • Observe insights & evolve into clarity and direction

  • Tap into your ultimate potential & Meet your empowered self

Discover Your Cosmic Identity

Birth Chart Consultation - Are you ready to “meet” your true authentic self?

Discover your true potential, gain more clarity and walk your path with confidence.

Based on the date, place and time of your birth, the location of the planets hold hidden secrets, allowing us to delve deep into your true inner nature.

Revealing themes about your path, your career and greatest development potential.

A consultation will help you reflect on your life and leads to a broader understanding of yourself. You will gain insights into how your behaviors influence your actions, which create the foundation for a clearer, more inspired way of life and direction.

AstroFusion Perth Astrology consultation astro reading Perth cosmic guidance

Explore your cosmic weather

Consultation - improve your well-being and lead a more balanced life.

As the planets move around the cosmos they impact everyone differently. This snapshot of the universe is uniquely interacting with your cosmic identity, providing you with key themes and insights, that help you to navigate your current life situations.

Online Astrology Classes & Workshops

Become a student of Astrology.

Discover the ancient language of the universe, immerse yourself in a new world of symbols and connect to yourself and others on a deeper level.

AstroFusion Perth New Moon Workshop learn astrology class

Riding the cosmic waves

Gain awareness of cosmic influences and increase your well-being

This workshop is exploring the powerful cosmic cycles & seasons and astrological knowledge is not essential. We will identify current themes and its effects on our daily life and experiences. This course highlights the empowering nature of astrology, as it expands your perspectives and reveals the cosmic waves of life’s duality. Take advantage of powerful cycles and start today.

“Highly recommend for anyone wanting help in the road ahead and clarity in life.”

— Matt W.